梅先生為大學中国書法教师,美国著名女子大學衛斯里(Wellesley College) 丶勒斯里大學(Lesley University) 客座教授。是一位集書法丶国画和篆刻于一体的藝术家,已任二十多年美国纽英崙藝术学會會长,美国北美書画藝术家協會顾问、名譽會長。分別在Boston Museum of Fine Arts , Harvard 大學丶MITWellesley等著名學府,和國內廣東丶江西等省份大學作數十次書法演講。Boston HeraldBoston Globe等英文報紙丶多個中英電臺的採訪報道,及Brush Talk Edition等的介紹。

 梅先生也屡获奖项。已分别在北京丶芝加哥丶纽约丶等地举辦個展或双人展二十多次。2013年為哈佛大學  “—Three Column” 画廊,為近百年來第一位書法家被邀请在處展出45天。04年与馬友友等一批世界各地的藝术家,在Peabody藝术博物馆成立100週年進行12天的 “絲绸之路” 節目慶祝活動。於2000年美国首都Washington DC亚太藝术研究院授予二十世纪藝术贡献奖勋章,2001年国内授予 “德藝雙馨藝术家” 稱號等。

曾為波士顿市長写碑文,刻挂在 “天下為公” 牌楼書写二千寿字刻成公元二千大寿” 大碑,立在廣東台山鳳山公园。名字小传已列入<世界华人美术名家年>等十多部典籍。

 出版著作有<梅宇国書法集><三步法學會隸書><秋之爱>诗集,《筆落驚風雨》和多款書画掛曆等。作品廣被中西人士收藏,” Worcester博物馆收藏, “碧波荡漾”  卧雲弄月” 等为Peabody博物馆收藏, “穆如清风“  等為馬英九收藏。

Solo Show – 25 times in New York , Chicago, Bunker hill College, Beijing. China, etc.

  In March 3—Apirl 15, 2012, Exhibition in Harvard Universit

Public Works

- Selected by Boston Mayor Flynn to write a tablet of calligraphy displayed at the gateway of Chinatown

- Wrote 2000 different styles of the Chinese character “longevity”. It was carved in a marble in China as the most styles written of the character “shau”, meaning longevity, in the world.

Name in Books

Brief biographies have been listed in: The Artist of Chinese Origin in North America Directory, The Dictionary of the Achievements of World Chinese Artists, The Taiwan Art Almanac of Artists, The Chinese Figures Dictionary, The World Famous Chinese Artists Almanac, The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy of Well-Known Artists.


1997 Mike Mei’s Brush Painting Calendar

2001 Mike Mei’s Art Calligraphy Calendar

2008             Book of “Mike Mei’s Calligraphy”

2010             Book of  “3 Steps Can Master The Clerical Script

2015             Book of Mike  Mei’s Poems”

2023.       Book of Wind and Rain at the brush

Lecture /Class 

Teaching Chinese art in Brandeis University .Harvard University, MIT, Wellesley College, Northeastern College, Bunker hill College, U Mass, Lesley College, Holy Cross College, The Art Institute of Boston, The Eastern Nazarene College, Wu-Yi University (China), Nashua High School, Peabody Essex Museum ,Worcester Art Museum, Foreign Language Teachers Association of New England, etc.